What is Form I-829 for EB-5?

Form I-829, Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status is filed by EB-5 investors to remove the conditions on their two (2) year green cards. The investors obtained the conditional green cards through their investment in a new commercial enterprise. Filing the Form I-829 is a crucial step in the EB-5 investor’s immigration process as once approved it allows the investors, along with their spouses and unmarried children under twenty-one (21), to achieve permanent residency in the United States. In this article, we explore the I-829 Form in detail, covering its purpose, eligibility requirements, necessary documents, filing timeline, common challenges, and practical tips for a successful submission.

Overview of the I-829 Form

Due to the conditional nature of the EB-5 investors’ permanent resident status, between 21 – 24 months after receiving the conditional green card, the EB-5 investors have to file an I-829 EB5 Form with USCIS to remove the condition on their permanent resident status. The EB-5 investors provide documentation to demonstrate they fulfilled the program’s requirements, including proof they sustained their investment and created the required number of jobs. The I-829 form is the final step in the EB-5 investors’ immigration process, and once approved investors become unconditional permanent residents of the United States.


Conditions for Removing Conditional Status

To successfully remove the conditions on the green card, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Invested Capital: The EB-5 investor must show they have invested or are actively in the process of investing the required capital; and the capital was made available to the business(es) most closely responsible for job creation.
  2. Sustained Investment: The EB-5 investors must show they have sustained their investment in the new commercial enterprise for two (2) years from the time their investment was made available to the entity most closely responsible for creating the jobs.
  3. Job Creation: The EB-5 investors must also show at least ten (10) full time positions for qualifying employees have been directly or indirectly created or will be created within a reasonable time. In the case of a troubled business, the EB-5 investors must submit evidence showing the number of existing employees were maintained at no less than the pre-investment level during the period of the EB-5 investors’ conditional permanent residence.

Specific Information and Documents Required

When filing Form I-829, the EB-5 investor needs to provide a variety of documents to support their petition, including:

  • Investment Evidence: Proof that the EB-5 investors’ capital contribution has been invested and sustained which may include but is not limited to: financial statements, bank statement, contracts, federal or state income tax returns.
  • Job Creation Documentation: The evidence needed to prove job creation is determined by the type of investment, direct or through a regional center.
    • The documentation for jobs created indirectly as a result of an investment in a regional center may include, but is not limited to: tax and financial statements, expenditure and revenue reports, construction draws, invoices and receipts, bank statements, quarterly reports etc. In addition, at the I-829 stage, an Economic Impact Report is generally commissioned to evaluate the actual number of jobs created from the construction and operation of the Project selected by the EB-5 investors. This report is generated based on the actual EB-5 eligible costs spent on the Project, as well as the actual revenue generated by the Project. This report is different than the initial Economic Impact Report provided to USCIS with the Form I-956F, Application for Approval of an Investment in a Commercial Enterprise filing as the inputs for calculating the jobs are no longer projections, but actual costs incurred during development of the Project and actual revenue generated during the second or third year of the Project’s operation.
    • The documentation of jobs created directly by the new commercial enterprise may include but is not limited to: payroll records, W-2s, employer’s quarterly federal tax returns, Forms I-9s, identification documents of the direct employees or any other evidence showing the required jobs were created or preserved.
  • Personal Information: Identification documents, such as copies of the applicant’s passport, green card, and any previous immigration documentation.


Timeline for Filing the I-829 Form

The I-829 form must be file within the 90-day period immediately before the second anniversary of the EB-5 investor’s admission as a conditional permanent resident. Filing early or late may result in complications or even the termination of the EB-5 investor’s conditional permanent resident status, so it is critical to adhere to this timeline.

I-829 Processing Time

The processing time for Form I-829 is listed on USCIS website. During this period, USCIS reviews the I-829 petition, request additional evidence, if necessary, and eventually reach a decision. It is important to note that while the EB-5 investor’s I-829 petition is pending, the conditional permanent residency status is automatically extended for the period indicated on the EB-5 investor’s filing receipt. After filing the I-829 Petition, the EB-5 investor receives a filing receipt notice from USCIS, which should accompany their expired green card.


Common Challenges and Practical Tips

Filing Form I-829 can be complex, and applicants may face several challenges, including:

  • Incomplete or Inconsistent Documentation: Ensure that all required documents are complete, accurate, and consistent throughout the petition.
  • Prove Job Creation: Demonstrating the investment has created or preserved ten full-time jobs can be challenging, especially in projects that face delays or other complications. The EB-5 investor who select to invest in one of Peachtree Group’s projects should be assured that all the project related documents necessary for their Form I-829 filing are collected, reviewed and assembled into an I-829 Template by Peachtree. The I-829 Template will be provided to our EB-5 investors well in advance of their 90-day filing window.
  • Meet the Filing Deadline: Missing the 90-day filing window jeopardizes the chances of removing the conditions on the green card.


Practical Tips for a Successful Submission

  • Start Early: EB-5 investor should begin gathering the necessary documentation well in advance of the filing deadline to ensure that everything is in order.
  • Consult with Experts: EB-5investors should work with their immigration attorneys and consultants experienced in the EB-5 process to prepare their petition and provide guidance. If you don’t have an immigration attorney, Peachtree Group can recommend several that have collaborated with us in the past.
  • Double-Check All Information: Review form and documents for accuracy and consistency before these are submitted to USCIS.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up to date with any changes in immigration laws or USCIS policies that could affect the petition.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the I-829 Form?

The I-829 Form is a petition filed by EB-5 investors to remove the conditions on their permanent resident status. It is the final step in the EB-5 process, allowing investors to obtain an unconditional green card if the EB-5 Program's requirements are met.

How Do I Fill Out the I-829 Form?

To fill out the I-829 Form, the EB-5 investors must provide personal information, details about their investment, and evidence they have sustained the investment and created the required number of jobs. The I-829 Filing is a voluminous filing, containing numerous exhibits which generally include financial statements, tax returns and bank statements for numerous years, as well as constructions draws, expenditure reports, revenue repots and a job creation analysis, encompassing thousands of pages of supporting documents.

Why Do You Need to Fill Out the I-829 Form?

Filling out the I-829 form is necessary to remove the conditions on the EB-5 investor’s green card. if this petition is not filed, the conditional resident status will expire, and the investor will lose the ability to become a permanent resident of the United States.

What Happens After the I-829 Form is Approved?

Once the I-829 Form is approved, the EB-5 investor, their spouse, and their unmarried children under 21 become permanent resident of the United States of America. This status grants EB-5 investors many rights and privileges, including the ability to live and work in the United States, to own property, attend public school and colleges, and be protected by the laws of the United State and of the State where the EB-5 investors reside.

Additional Resources

For more information about the I-829 Form and the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, consider consulting the following resources:

  • USCIS Website: Access official forms, instructions, and updates on processing times.
  • A Simple Guide to EB-5 Immigration by Investment
  • Immigration Attorneys: Seek legal advice from professionals specializing in EB-5 cases. If you are not familiar with an immigration attorney, contact Peachtree Group, our team can give you contact information for several knowledgeable lawyers.
  • Contact Peachtree Group: Contact Peachtree Group for guidance on specific investment opportunities and compliance requirements.

Taking the Next Steps with Peachtree

Begin your journey to U.S. residency with an EB-5 investment.

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Take a moment to fill out the contact form on our website.

When we’ve got your information, one of our investor relations managers will reach out to you.  

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What to Know Before Investing in US Real Estate

Investing in US commercial real estate funds can be an attractive option for foreign investors looking to shift assets to stable, US dollar-denominated assets. Before investing, be sure you understand the types of investments and the benefits for each.

Many foreign investors have considered investing overseas to achieve portfolio diversification. Investing in US commercial real estate funds can be a particularly attractive option.  In addition to shifting some assets to stable, US dollar-denominated assets, a portfolio of commercial real estate assets should provide less volatile returns than a single residential home or single asset commercial real estate transactions.


Benefits of Debt Investments

Investing in commercial real estate debt involves providing loans to property owners or developers. This strategy brings forth several key benefits:

  • Predictable Income: Debt investors typically earn consistent interest income from the loans they provide. This dependable income stream can particularly appeal to income-oriented investors, such as retirees.
  • Lower Risk Profile: Debt investments are considered less risky than equity investments. As a lender, you have a priority claim on the property's income and assets,     reducing exposure to market volatility.
  • Asset-Backed Security: Commercial real estate debt is secured by physical assets, which serve as collateral, providing an added layer of security for investors in the event of default.
  • Steady Cash Flow: Debt investments often have fixed interest rates and regular payment schedules, allowing investors to plan their income with greater certainty.


Benefits of Equity Investments

The Appeal of Equity Investments involves owning a stake in the property itself. Here are the notable advantages of equity investments:

  • Potential for Higher Returns: Equity investors benefit from the property's appreciation in value over time. In addition to rental income, they can earn significant profits when the property is sold.
  • Diversification: Investing in commercial real estate equity allows investors to diversify their portfolios further as they gain exposure to physical assets that may     behave differently than traditional financial assets.
  • Control and Decision-Making: Equity investors often have a say in property management and strategic decisions, allowing for more active involvement and influence over the asset's performance.
  • Tax Benefits: Equity investors can use tax deductions, such as depreciation and interest expenses, to reduce their taxable income.


A savvy investor can further optimize their portfolio by diversifying across both debt and equity investments in commercial real estate. This hybrid approach balances stable income from debt investments with the potential for higher returns from equity investments. It is particularly appealing in times of economic uncertainty, providing a hedge against market volatility and multiple avenues for wealth generation.


Advantages of US Private Equity Funds

Private equity real estate funds in the United States provide an opportunity for investors to diversify in two ways.  First, by diversifying away from ordinary, publicly traded debt and equity securities, investors can earn returns that are uncorrelated to the broader stock market. Second, by investing in a fund with professional management, investors can earn returns that are less volatile than single asset investing while benefiting from the expertise and experience of the management team.  


When looking to invest with a fund manager, consider the track record of the fund as a whole, and the experience of the individual executives on the team.  In your due diligence, understand the investment process of the manager: how do they identify, underwrite, close, and administer individual transactions?  Do they have a meaningful focus based on their experience?  Have they established a successful track record?

Answering these questions will get you on the path to finding a reputable fund manager motivated to protect and grow your investment. It’s not easy to invest overseas, but with the right knowledge and partner, it can be a very rewarding experience.

About Peachtree Group

Peachtree Group is an investment firm driving growth with a diverse portfolio of commercial real estate assets and other ventures, with a specialty in hospitality. We’ve executed hundreds of investments since inception with a focus on real estate acquisition, development, and lending. Today, we manage billions in equity, augmented by services designed to protect, support, and grow your investment.

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Understanding the EB-5 Regional Center Program Advisory Committee Authorization Act

To improve the administration of the Regional Center Program, on February 5, 2024, a bipartisan group of four US Congressmen introduced the EB-5 Regional Center Program Advisory Committee Authorization Act. Here's what you need to know.

The EB-5 Visa program is a pathway for foreign investors seeking permanent residency in the United States. The EB-5 Regional Center Program stands out because it pools investments in specific geographic areas, stimulating economic growth and job creation.

To improve the administration of the Regional Center Program, on February 5, 2024, a bipartisan group of four US Congressmen introduced the EB-5 Regional Center Program Advisory Committee Authorization Act. Adam Greene, EVP EB-5 for Peachtree Group was in Washington D.C. recently meeting with congressional staffers as part of the IIUSA quarterly fly-in. It was a hectic day meeting and discussing EB-5 with 18 Congressional offices. Here is what the IIUSA delegation explained to the staffers:

What is the EB-5 Regional Center Program Advisory Committee Authorization Act?

The EB-5 Regional Center Program Advisory Committee Authorization Act, which is supported by IIUSA, would establish an advisory committee inside U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to communicate, coordinate, and advise USCIS on administering the Regional Center Program.

The purpose of the Act is to establish an advisory committee to communicate, coordinate, and advise USCIS on administering the Regional CetnerProgram. 

Key Benefits for EB-5 Investors:

  1. Enhanced Transparency and Accountability: One of the significant advantages of the EB-5 Regional Center Program Advisory Committee Authorization Act is the promotion of transparency and accountability within the program. By establishing an advisory committee composed of stakeholders from various backgrounds, including EB-5 investors, developers, and regional center representatives, the act ensures the interests of all parties involved are represented. This increased transparency can provide BE-5 investors with greater confidence in the program’s integrity and decision-making processes.
  2. Streamline Program Operations: The advisory committee authorized by this act will play a crucial role in streamlining the operations of the EB-5 Regional Center Program. By providing recommendations on regulatory and policy changes, as well as addressing operational challenges faced by regional centers, the committee can contribute to making the program more efficient and responsive to the needs of EB-5 investors. This streamlining can lead to faster processing times for investor petitions and a smoother overall experience for participants in the program.
  3. Improved Impact: Another benefit of the EB-5 Regional Center Advisory Committee Authorization Act is the potential for improved impact of the EB-5 Program. The advisory committee will have the mandate to assess the effectiveness of regional center projects and make recommendations for enhancing their economic impact and job creation potential. By facilitating the development of high-quality projects that align with the program’s objectives, EB-5 investments can offer improved economic impact and greater security.
  4. Mitigation of Risks: The establishment of an advisory committee focused on the EB-5 Regional Center Program also presents an opportunity to mitigate risks associated with EB-5 investments. Through ongoing discussion of regional center activities and structures, the committee can help the industry structure investments which comply with EB-5 rules and regulations. This proactive approach to risk management can help safeguard the interest of EB-5 investors and preserve the integrity of the program as a whole.

The EB-5 Regional Center Program Advisory Committee Authorization Act will help EB-5 investors navigate the complex landscape of the EB-5 Program in the United States. As an officer of IIUSA and a member of the Public Policy committee, Peachtree’s Adam Greene is able to participate in discussions with policymakers as they refine the details of this legislation. EB-5 investors can look forward to potential enhancements that will strengthen their confidence in the program and pave the way for successful outcomes.


For more information on the EB-5 Visa Program or Peachtree Group’s offerings, contact Adam Greene, agreene@peachtreegroup.com.

About Peachtree Group

Peachtree Group is an investment firm driving growth with a diverse portfolio of commercial real estate assets and other ventures, with a specialty in hospitality. We’ve executed hundreds of investments since inception with a focus on real estate acquisition, development, and lending. Today, we manage billions in equity, augmented by services designed to protect, support, and grow your investment.

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USCIS Raises I-526E Filing Fees 204%: Implications for EB-5 Investors

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has recently announced a significant 204% increase in the filing fees for the I-526E, Immigrant Petition by Regional Center Investor, the crucial, first step in the EB-5 Immigrant Investor process. This adjustment in fees has near-term implications for prospective EB-5 investors. This article delves into the details of the fee increase and its potential impact on individuals seeking U.S. permanent residency through the EB-5 program.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has recently announced a significant 204% increase in the filing fees for the I-526E, Immigrant Petition by Regional Center Investor, the crucial, first step in the EB-5 Immigrant Investor process. This adjustment in fees has near-term implications for prospective EB-5 investors. This article delves into the details of the fee increase and its potential impact on individuals seeking U.S. permanent residency through the EB-5 program.

What is an I-526E?

The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program offers a pathway for foreign investors to obtain a U.S. green card by making a qualifying investment in a new commercial enterprise that generates employment for U.S. workers. TheI-526E petition is a vital component of the application process, serving as the initial step in demonstrating the investor’s commitment to the program.

Details of the I-526E Fee Increase

According to the USCIS website (Frequently Asked Questions on the USCIS Fee Rule | USCIS), the I-526E fee will increase from $3,675 to $11,160, a 204% increase, on April 1, 2024. This adjustment is part of the USCIS’s broader efforts to cover the escalating costs associated with processing and adjudicating immigration petitions. The fee increase applies to all new I-526E filings.   EB-5stakeholders are still waiting for USCIS to conduct a separate fee study required by the new EB-5 law (the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022, or the “RIA”). Section 106 of the RIA requires USCIS to perform a fee study about the level of fees needed to adjudicate EB-5 related petitions in a timely manner.  The April 1, 2024 increase in fees is separate from any future increase that may result from this required fee study, so investors should stay informed about potential further increases in the future.

Impact of the I-526E Fee Increase on EB-5 Investors

  • Financial Considerations: The fee hike holds financial implications for EB-5 investors, as the program already demands a substantial investment. The increased filing fee adds an additional financial burden for prospective immigrants considering the EB-5 route. Investors should factor in this change when evaluating the overall cost of participating in the program.
  • Decision-Making Process: The elevated filing fees may influence the decision-making process for potential investors.  Individuals who were contemplating EB-5participation may want to accelerate their decision in the hopes of avoiding the higher application fee. Investors will save $7,485 by filing their FormI-526E before April 1, 2024.  
  • Pending Applications: Investors with pendingI-526E petitions should be aware of the fee adjustment and consider how it might impact their ongoing applications. Although it appears the new fees will only apply to petitions and applications filed on or after April 1, 2024, it is advisable for applicants to consult with immigration professionals to understand how the fee adjustment may affect their ongoing applications and could impact forms to be filed through their immigration process in the future.
  • Financial Planning: The fee increases underscore the importance of meticulous financial planning for prospective EB-5 investors. Understanding the updated fee structure is crucial for making informed decisions about participation in the program and ensuring that all financial requirements are met, including the sourcing of any funds used to pay the administrative costs and fees associated with your investment.
  • Consider a Partial Investment: Peachtree’s EB-5 projects are structured to allow EB-5participants to invest just part of the full $800K required investment initially, with the remainder invested over several months.

The USCIS’s decision to raise the I-526E filing fees introduces a new dimension to the already intricate landscape of the EB-5Immigrant Investor program. Prospective investors are advised to closely evaluate the updated fee structure, engage with immigration professionals for tailored advice, and make informed decisions based on their individual financial circumstances. As the EB-5 program remains an attractive avenue for obtaining U.S. permanent residency, investors should stay informed and adapt to changes in order to navigate the evolving landscape successfully.

Peachtree Group has current offerings that are structured to qualify investors to apply for the EB-5 program.

To learn more about EB-5 and Peachtree’s EB-5 offerings, contact agreene@peachtreegroup.com.


About Peachtree Group

Peachtree Group is an investment firm driving growth with a diverse portfolio of commercial real estate assets and other ventures, with a specialty in hospitality. We’ve executed hundreds of investments since inception with a focus on real estate acquisition, development, and lending. Today, we manage billions in equity, augmented by services designed to protect, support, and grow your investment.