CNBC: Fed Rate Cuts: A Game-Changer for Commercial Real Estate Investors or a Head Fake?

Peachtree Group CEO Greg Friedman discussing the effect of the Fed's recent rate cuts on the Commercial Real Estate market on CNBC's Fast Money.

The Federal Reserve's 50 basis points cut to the Fed funds rate in September has sparked fresh conversations about its impact on commercial real estate (CRE) investments. While there's optimism in some corners about a return to a lower rate environment, the bond market signals a different story, with long-term rates remaining high and inflation risks persisting. This is a good reminder that short-term rates, set by the Fed, and long-term rates, like the 10-yearTreasury, often move independently.


Today's higher rate environment reshapes the value fundamentals of CRE. The current 10-yearTreasury rate of around 4%—double the pre-2022 average—demands that CRE values recalibrate. Reports of a 20% drop in CRE values since 2022 peak levels require context; those valuations were rooted in a vastly different interest rate environment. Today’s scenario implies a slower growth trajectory, requiring investors to adapt to a "new game" of higher rates for longer.


Across CRE assets, different sectors respond to higher rates in distinct ways. Hotels, for example, benefit from solid demand as travel returns, while multifamily assets continue to show resilience despite refinancing pressures. Office assets, however, face significant stress due to both secular and rate-driven challenges.


Even as the Fed cuts rates, refinancing on previously low-rate debt presents ongoing challenges for CRE assets, especially those with upcoming maturity dates. Higher rates elevate the cost of debt and squeeze cash flows while impacting the overall asset valuations, placing additional stress.

Despite headwinds, the current environment offers unique opportunities to strategic, agile investors. While higher rates may drive down asset values, for those prepared to navigate today's market with moderate leverage and a forward-looking strategy, today's challenges can evolve into future tailwinds. As the Fed's recent moves signal a "higher for longer" era, CRE investors who adapt swiftly may find unprecedented opportunities, making this a prime moment for decisive action in commercial real estate.


See Peachtree Group’s CEO and Managing Principal, Greg Friedman discuss this topic on CNBC’s Fast Money.

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A Critical Recessioin Red Flag is Missing

Peachtree CEO Greg Friedman comments on a recent article by Phil Rosen for Inc. Magazine that examines loan demand despite high interest rates.

Prior to 2022, borrowers enjoyed for over a decade the opportunity to secure loans at near-zero interest rates, a boon that fueled growth and expansion in the commercial real estate market. Today, we see an unprecedented volume of loans maturing in a much higher interest rate environment, with banks reducing exposure to commercial real estate. Despite these conditions, the demand for loans continues to grow.

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This commentary originally appeared on Greg Friedman's LinkedIn page on May 16, 2024, in response to an Inc magazine article by Phil Rosen titled: A Critical Recession Red Flag is Missing.

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Watch for These Signs of Recession as the Fed Keeps Rates Elevated

Peachtree CEO Greg Friedman comments on a recent article by Richard Berger for Globestreet. The article is a response to the Federal Reserve keeping interest rates steady.

The CPI report earlier this week showed a decrease in U.S. inflation pressures for the first time this year, following a higher-than-anticipated PPI. This might suggest the Fed's sustained efforts to mitigate consumer price pressures are beginning to show results. However, we are still far from reaching 2%, but maybe the Fed is seeing that inflation is finally on a downward trajectory. In my opinion, the Fed will need further data to gather the confidence required for contemplating interest rate cuts.

Today's prolonged high interest rates are dampening activity and risking recession. For the commercial real estate industry, time is of the essence, as we are already in a recession, and I am dimming on the prospect of a rate cut this year.

This persistent inflation significantly challenges the commercial real estate sector, especially with trillions of dollars of debt maturing. Elevated inflation has increased borrowing costs, strained cash flows and impacted property valuations.

Property owners face refinancing at significantly higher rates as debt matures, leading to increased debt service costs and reduced profitability. This strain on cash flows, coupled with higher expenses and lower income, creates a vicious cycle. Property valuations decline as borrowing costs rise, and investors demand higher returns, softening the market. This downward spiral tightens financial constraints, risking defaults and market instability, a situation that requires immediate attention.

Can the Fed get us out of this spiral before a larger meltdown without triggering new economic challenges?

The path forward will likely require a mix of monetary policy adjustments based on economic data and perhaps more targeted fiscal interventions to support vulnerable sectors.

No matter where the market leads, I'm enthusiastic about the opportunities that lie ahead, and our team is fully prepared to tackle the challenges.

This commentary originally appeared on Greg Friedman's LinkedIn page on May 19, 2024, in response to a Globestreet article titled: Watch for These Signs of Recession as the Fed Keeps Rates Elevated.

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Even If the Fed Cuts, the Days of Ultralow Rates Are Over

In anticipation of the Federal Reserve's upcoming announcement on interest rates, and in response to a Wall Street Journal article with this title, Peachtree CEO Greg Friedman comments on the viability of 'extend and pretend.'

"Extend and Pretend"—Just as Hamlet famously questioned, "To be or not to be," we are also on the brink of a crucial revelation. Are we facing a seismic shift with sustained higher interest rates, a largely overlooked issue? How will this shift affect commercial real estate and other asset classes in both the short and long term? Are the public and private sectors ready for what appears to be the inevitable? Today, we face more questions than answers, and indecision is no longer viable in a higher interest rate environment.

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Today, we are in a commercial real estate recession showing no signs of abating. The economy boasts considerable strength, driven by a strong job market, and record liquidity is on the sidelines. I do not see the necessary catalysts to revert interest rates to levels seen in previous cycles. Therefore, I don't see “Extend and Pretend” to be an effective strategy and would prepare for more bankruptcies, foreclosures and forced sales as reality sets in that we are in a new rate paradigm or maybe just a return to normalcy that, unfortunately, will be destructive to values, especially to the lower cap rate assets. Ultimately, amidst any market disruption, there will be pivotal opportunities for those with the decisiveness and the liquidity to seize them at the right moment.

This commentary originally appeared on Greg Friedman's LinkedIn page on May 1, 2024, in response to a Wall Street Journal article titled: Even If the Fed Cuts, the Days of ultralow Rates are Over.

Follow Greg Friedman and Peachtree Group on LinkedIn