CNBC: Fed Rate Cuts: A Game-Changer for Commercial Real Estate Investors or a Head Fake?

Peachtree Group CEO Greg Friedman discussing the effect of the Fed's recent rate cuts on the Commercial Real Estate market on CNBC's Fast Money.

The Federal Reserve's 50 basis points cut to the Fed funds rate in September has sparked fresh conversations about its impact on commercial real estate (CRE) investments. While there's optimism in some corners about a return to a lower rate environment, the bond market signals a different story, with long-term rates remaining high and inflation risks persisting. This is a good reminder that short-term rates, set by the Fed, and long-term rates, like the 10-yearTreasury, often move independently.


Today's higher rate environment reshapes the value fundamentals of CRE. The current 10-yearTreasury rate of around 4%—double the pre-2022 average—demands that CRE values recalibrate. Reports of a 20% drop in CRE values since 2022 peak levels require context; those valuations were rooted in a vastly different interest rate environment. Today’s scenario implies a slower growth trajectory, requiring investors to adapt to a "new game" of higher rates for longer.


Across CRE assets, different sectors respond to higher rates in distinct ways. Hotels, for example, benefit from solid demand as travel returns, while multifamily assets continue to show resilience despite refinancing pressures. Office assets, however, face significant stress due to both secular and rate-driven challenges.


Even as the Fed cuts rates, refinancing on previously low-rate debt presents ongoing challenges for CRE assets, especially those with upcoming maturity dates. Higher rates elevate the cost of debt and squeeze cash flows while impacting the overall asset valuations, placing additional stress.

Despite headwinds, the current environment offers unique opportunities to strategic, agile investors. While higher rates may drive down asset values, for those prepared to navigate today's market with moderate leverage and a forward-looking strategy, today's challenges can evolve into future tailwinds. As the Fed's recent moves signal a "higher for longer" era, CRE investors who adapt swiftly may find unprecedented opportunities, making this a prime moment for decisive action in commercial real estate.


See Peachtree Group’s CEO and Managing Principal, Greg Friedman discuss this topic on CNBC’s Fast Money.

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Adapting to Change: How Higher Interest Rates are Shaping Commercial Real Estate Investment Strategies

Peachtree Group recently had the privilege of hosting David Bitner, a renowned expert in the commercial real estate industry, on our quarterly market update call. As the global head of research for Newmark, a leading commercial real estate advisor, David's insights on the ongoing transition in commercial real estate (CRE) were invaluable. His discussion outlined a significant shift in the commercial real estate market, highlighting the transition from a low-interest rate environment post-Global Financial Crisis (GFC) to a period of higher rates that are reshaping investment strategies.

Peachtree Group recently had the privilege of hosting David Bitner, a renowned expert in the commercial real estate industry, on our quarterly market update call. As the global head of research for Newmark, a leading commercial real estate advisor, David's insights on the ongoing transition in commercial real estate (CRE) were invaluable. His discussion outlined a significant shift in the commercial real estate market, highlighting the transition from a low-interest rate environment post-Global Financial Crisis (GFC) to a period of higher rates that are reshaping investment strategies.

Highlights from the conversation included:

  • Interest Rates and Market Transition: The shift from historically low interest rates to a "more normal rate     paradigm," emphasizing the end of a prolonged period of declining     rates. This shift will likely affect all risk assets, including commercial real estate, by reducing the tailwinds that previously inflated asset prices and supported various investment strategies.
  • Impact on CRE and Investments: As interest rates rise, the cost of borrowing increases, impacting the valuation and affordability of real estate investments. This shift could lead to higher capitalization rates (cap rates) and change the dynamics of investment returns, making it crucial for investors to adapt their strategies     accordingly. Floating rate debt, once considered a cheaper option, may no longer be the most economical option due to rising rates.
  • Market Volatility and Opportunities: While increased volatility in the market is expected as it adjusts to the new rate environment, it also brings a silver lining of opportunities. This can lead to both risks and opportunities. While some investors may face challenges, those with "dry powder" or readily available capital might find attractive entry points into the market, fostering a sense of optimism amidst the changes.
  • Long-term Outlook and Strategy Adjustments: Investors need to prepare for a sustained period of higher interest rates and adjust their strategies to remain viable. This includes expecting higher costs of debt and being cautious of investment valuations that do not adequately account for the new economic conditions.
  • Banking Sector and CRE Debt: There's a concern about the impact of rising rates on the banking sector, particularly smaller regional banks heavily invested in CRE loans. The potential for increased defaults and financial strain on these banks could lead to broader economic implications if not managed carefully.
  • Long-term Implications for Asset Values and     Investment Returns: The long-term outlook is cautious, with expectations of continued market adjustment to the higher rate environment. This adjustment is anticipated to be gradual, with investors continuing to reassess risk and return parameters.

Overall, the discussion highlights a transformative period in the commercial real estate market, prompted by the shift to a higher interest rate environment. This change presents an opportunity to refine investment strategies, enabling investors to navigate and capitalize on the evolving market dynamics effectively.

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Lessons Learned: Insights from Peachtree Group Senior Leaders

Peachtree's track record in commercial real estate is impressive. Our team has thrived through three significant economic disruptions. Our senior leaders have been instrumental in that success. Recently we asked those leaders to reflect on their lessons learned and share how that experience has shaped their thought process moving forward. Here are a few of those insights.

Peachtree's track record in commercial real estate is impressive. Our team has thrived through three significant economic disruptions. Our senior leaders have been instrumental in that success. Recently we asked those leaders to reflect on their lessons learned and share how that experience has shaped their thought process moving forward.

Here are a few of those insights.

Lessons Learned with Peachtree Leaders Managing Principles

"Building a formidable team is crucial for realizing your vision. Select individuals based on their exceptional skills and expertise and then trust them to excel in their roles. Empowering your team unlocks their full potential, driving extraordinary results and propelling your organization to new heights."

Greg Friedman and Jatin Desai – Managing Principals


“Foresight is critical in the investment process, requiring continuous consideration of macroeconomic conditions alongside local economic factors. This dual analysis enables us to identify nuanced opportunities and manage risks more effectively. By integrating global and regional insights, we can make more informed and strategic decisions, enhancing the potential for the investment's long-term success."

Greg Friedman, Managing Principal and CEO


“Ensure sufficient liquidity to maintain resilience. We have implemented and consistently maintained this approach for our Funds. While it may impact internal rates of return (IRR), it will allow us to endure market volatility and retain assets. Asset values typically rebound if adequate capital is available to weather downturns.”

Jatin Desai, Managing Principal and CFO


Lessons Learned with Peachtree Leaders

“Navigating through development always entails its share of challenges and victories, a reality underscored especially during Covid. While previous downturns primarily revolved around financial aspects, the pandemic introduced disruptions in cost, labor, and material supply chains. Reaching a semblance of normalcy took nearly three years, during which we remained steadfast in risk mitigation across these fronts. Adaptations in processes, timing, procurement strategies, and collaborations with skilled contractors were pivotal in this regard. Despite each disruption, we observed a consistent upward trend in average daily rates, particularly for newer or like-new assets.”

Mitul Patel, Principal


“Anticipate various exit scenarios: While one of our investments succeeded with the SBA refinance strategy, another encountered challenges. Legal issues with the borrower disqualified them from SBA eligibility, leading to loan refinance challenges. In hindsight, we were too dependent on a single exit source and now underwrite deals to ensure there are several (refinance, sale, loan sale) exit options available.”

Michael Harper, President, Hotel Lending


“Constant exposure to various transactions across different levels has enabled us to recognize patterns and anticipate issues during negotiations. This depth of experience has honed our ability to streamline the process, focusing on the crucial issues and avoiding unnecessary distractions. Ultimately, efficiency is paramount.”

Kevin Cadin, General Counsel


“The priority lies in cultivating a pipeline rather than managing individual transactions. The true value lies in the pipeline itself, not the deals outlined in term sheets. This approach grants the freedom to negotiate without the pressure of immediate results. Consequently, I rarely push terms or additional proceeds because I know the depth of additional opportunities and have confidence in the channels that have been developed to continue generating opportunities.”

Daniel Siegel, Principal and President, CRE


“The90% rule. It is often better to make a decision with 90% of the information or90% of what you would ideally like an output to be. That last 10% which is for perfection often leads to analysis paralysis and the opportunity cost of waiting is often greater than the value achieved in getting the last 10%. There is no such thing as perfect.”

Brian Waldman, Chief Investment Officer

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Market Insights from Dennis Lockhart: U.S. Economic Outlook, Fed Policy, and Commercial Real Estate Trends

Peachtree Group CEO Greg Friedman and CFO Jatin Desai hosted Dennis Lockhart, former President of the Atlanta Federal Reserve for a fireside chat conversation on the US economic outlook, Federal Reserve policy, geopolitical risks and commercial real estate trends. ‍Here are key highlights from their discussion.

Peachtree Group CEO Greg Friedman and CFO Jatin Desai hosted Dennis Lockhart, former President of the Atlanta Federal Reserve for a fireside chat conversation during Peachtree Group's annual Investor Day. Lockhart spoke on the US economic outlook, Federal Reserve policy, geopolitical risks and commercial real estate trends.

Here are key highlights from their discussion.

Dennis Lockhart, former President of the Atlanta Federal Reserve talks with Peachtree CEO Greg Friedman and CFO Jatin Desai about the US economic outlook, Federal Reserve policy, geopolitical risk sand commercial real estate.

Summary of the Economy:

  • The U.S. economy is performing well with steady growth. First-quarter growth was around 1.3-1.4% annualized GDP, but underlying indicators suggest stronger performance, with the Atlanta Fed projecting 3.1% annualized GDP growth for Q2 2024.
  • Unemployment is low at 4%, with recent job gains of 272,000. The private sector, especially healthcare, is driving job growth, leading to a more sustainable employment market and supporting consumer spending.
  • Strong employment ensures income stability for consumers, driving sustained consumption, which constitutes about 70% of GDP.
  • Inflation has decreased from its peak but remains above the Federal Reserve's target. The Fed prefers the Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) Index over the Consumer Price Index (CPI), with the current core PCE inflation rate at 2.7-2.8%, still above the 2% target. While adjusting the target inflation rate from 2% seems highly unlikely due to the Fed’s strong commitment and public trust in this goal, a more flexible approach within a defined range might be possible. This allows     the Fed to address inflation without formally changing the target, leveraging the current economic strength to be patient and let inflation decline over time.

Federal Open Market Committee’s Perspective:

  • The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is committed to making decisions on interest rates and monetary policy without political influence. Over a decade of attending meetings, Dennis has rarely seen political considerations come up. However, by tradition, the FOMC avoids action in the meeting immediately before a national election to prevent any appearance of political bias. Under Jay Powell's leadership, if necessary, the FOMC would act in September, but current conditions likely won't force action until after the election.
  • While different policies implemented by the elected candidate could shape the economy in the long term, the election itself is not anticipated to have an immediate impact. However, if post-election circumstances lead to significant disruptions, it could give the Federal Reserve pause at their November meeting.
  • If inflation doesn't improve or disinflation stalls at around 2.7-2.8%, the Fed may need to raise rates further. Conversely, consistent positive disinflation data     could lead to rate cuts by year-end. There are several scenarios to consider:
    • Sticky Inflation: If inflation remains high, the Fed might raise rates toward the end of the year or early 2025.
    • Disinflation Resumption: Positive disinflation data could lead to rate cuts in November or December.
    • Economic Slowdown: If the economy shows signs of faltering and businesses anticipate a recession, resulting in layoffs and reduced consumer spending, the Fed might cut rates to stabilize the situation.
    • Financial Instability: A financial stability event, similar to the Silicon Valley Bank incident last year, could prompt the Fed to cut rates to address underlying banking system issues, especially in commercial real estate.
  • The FOMC's narrative is that the economy is gradually slowing down. The employment picture remains very positive and strong, though it is rebalancing and not as robust as in 2022 and 2023. Inflation is still elevated, but the FOMC believes disinflation will resume, allowing them to begin easing policy restrictions by the end of the year. However, all of this depends on how the data comes in and the overall economic picture painted by the upcoming months. Upcoming Fed meetings are scheduled for July, September, November, and December. Policymaking remains cautious, with an emphasis on waiting for clear trends in inflation data before making further changes.


Geopolitical Risks:

  • Geopolitical events can significantly impact financial markets and potentially change the economic outlook for the U.S., at least temporarily. These events, often unexpected, can disrupt equity markets and influence the economy.  However, the Federal Reserve tends to be largely oblivious to geopolitics. Despite being close to the State Department, the Fed staff, mostly PhD economists, focus primarily on domestic issues and rarely consult with experts on geopolitical matters. This domestic focus means that while geopolitical events are serious and can influence the economy, they are not heavily factored into the Fed's policy decisions or economic projections.


Monetary Policy:

  • The balance sheet is a central tool for monetary policy. When interest rates hit zero during the Great Recession and the pandemic, the Fed used quantitative easing (QE) to stimulate the economy by increasing bank reserves, which supports lending and adds liquidity to financial markets. This led to the significant expansion of the Fed's balance sheet.
  • Currently, the Fed is slowly reducing its balance sheet to withdraw stimulus from the economy. This process, known as quantitative tightening, aims to find a new balance that provides ample bank reserves and liquidity without disrupting credit markets. The Fed approaches this carefully to avoid financial instability, such as the incident that occurred during a previous tightening attempt. This balance sheet adjustment is a critical but often behind-the-scenes aspect of monetary     policy.

Fiscal Policy:

  • Fiscal policy, especially deficit spending, boosts demand and contributes to inflation. During the pandemic, significant stimulus measures supported households and businesses but also added to inflationary pressures. However, inflation is a global issue and not solely caused by domestic fiscal policy.
  • Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell acknowledges the unsustainable fiscal situation due to high debt levels but avoids criticizing Congress. The Fed factors in fiscal policy as one of many economic influences, recognizing its role in supporting growth, which can conflict with the Fed's inflation control efforts.
  • The Treasury's debt issuance strategy affects the bond market and banks holding these securities. Fiscal and monetary policies often create conflicting pressures, but the Fed incorporates these effects into their economic assessments and decisions.


Banking Sector:

  • Banks, particularly regional and community banks, have significant exposure to commercial real estate, making up around 40% of the market. While national banks have less exposure, the real estate market downturn has affected all banks, with properties like office spaces experiencing severe value declines and multifamily properties down by nearly 30% from their peak values due to high interest rates. Despite Federal Reserve Chair Powell's reassurances about the banking system's     stability, there are concerns about the real-time recognition of crises. Historical precedent suggests that crises often go unnoticed until they are well underway.
  • The upcoming maturities of approximately $850 billion in commercial real estate loans present a potential risk. The exposure is dispersed across various financial entities, which is somewhat reassuring. However, small and regional banks are particularly vulnerable. The failure of a significant regional bank due to real estate exposure could have severe economic repercussions, unlike the manageable impact of community bank failures.
  • Banks are currently managing the situation by extending loan maturities, effectively buying time to stabilize individual properties. While this approach can mitigate immediate issues, it also reduces banks' lending appetite. A significant reduction in credit availability, particularly for small businesses that rely on smaller banks, could trigger a recession. This dynamic highlights the delicate balance between managing existing problems and maintaining sufficient credit flow to support economic activity.

Commercial Real Estate:

  • The near-term and long-term valuations of commercial real estate, particularly in hospitality, will depend on market fundamentals. The office sector faces significant challenges due to the rise of remote work, which could reduce long-term demand for office space. Companies are still figuring out their office policies, with some adopting hybrid models.
  • The retail sector is affected by online shopping, and the hospitality sector is recovering from the pandemic but hasn't fully rebounded. There are no major issues expected in hospitality unless there is overbuilding.
  • Office spaces were already saturated pre-pandemic, and suburban offices now struggle to find tenants. Many offices remain underutilized, with some businesses likely to stay remote. Converting office buildings to apartments is often not feasible due to technical constraints.
  • The multifamily housing sector continues to show strong demand and remains a stable area in commercial real estate.