Nisu Mehta

SVP CRE, Credit

Nisu is primarily responsible for sourcing, structuring and closing debt and preferred equity investments across all real estate asset classes.

Prior to joining Peachtree, Nisu was an executive director at a large private equity firm, where he was a senior underwriter focusing on both debt and equity investments in the Southeast. Prior to that, Nisu was the director of investment management at Rialto Capital, where he oversaw the acquisitions of whole loan portfolios and identified and help underwrite equity investments in the Southeast. Additionally, he was involved in assisting Rialto’s CMBS B-piece platform to become one of the largest participants in the sector. Before Rialto, Nisu was at TriMont Real Estate Advisors, managing distressed loan portfolios.Nisu received a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MBA from Emory University.