El Programa de Inversionistas Inmigrantes EB-5, establecido en 1990, ha sufrido cambios significativos con la Ley de Reforma e Integridad EB-5 de 2022 (RIA). Comprender esta ley es crucial para los posibles inversores, ya que incluye información sobre cómo el gobierno de los Estados Unidos gestionará los aumentos en el monto mínimo de inversión para la EB5 en el futuro. Se espera que los aumentos entren en vigor en enero de 2027, dentro de menos de dos años y medio.
Importe actual de la inversión en EB5
Históricamente, la inversión mínima requerida para EB5 era de 1 millón de dólares para áreas de empleo no específicas y de 500 000 dólares para proyectos en áreas de empleo específicas (TEA), regiones caracterizadas por un alto nivel de desempleo o situación rural. La Ley de Reforma e Integridad de 2022 elevó estos umbrales de manera significativa para reflejar los cambios económicos desde el inicio del programa. El nuevo requisito mínimo de inversión para la visa EB 5 es ahora de 1 050 000 dólares, reducido a 800 000 dólares para las TEAS] y proyectos de infraestructura calificados.
Un mandato para el ajuste automático el 1 de enero de 2027
Un requisito notable de la ley RIA exige ajustes automáticos de los umbrales de inversión cada cinco años, a partir del 1 de enero de 2027. Estos ajustes se basarán en el cambio porcentual anual acumulado en el índice de precios al consumidor para todos los consumidores urbanos (CPI-U) publicado por la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales. Esto garantiza que los montos de la inversión se mantengan alineados con la inflación y las condiciones económicas, lo que evita otro período prolongado sin ajustes.
Utilizando los datos del IPC del 1 de enero de 2022 al 31 de julio de 2024, podemos entender el impacto de la inflación en los umbrales de inversión. Al 31 de julio de 2024, el índice IPI-U se situaba en 314.340, lo que refleja un cambio acumulado del 12,75% desde diciembre de 2021, cuando se situó en 278,802. Estos datos en tiempo real proporcionan información valiosa sobre cómo la inflación influye en los requisitos de inversión del EB-5.
El aumento de los umbrales y los ajustes automáticos reflejan las decisiones de política pública del Congreso para garantizar que el programa EB-5 siga siendo práctico y refleje las condiciones económicas actuales. Esto significa una inversión inicial más alta. Comprender el ajuste automático ayuda a los inversores a planificar mejor sus finanzas, sabiendo que los requisitos evolucionarán con la inflación.
Planificación de un aumento del monto de la inversión en EB5
Los cambios introducidos por la RIA marcan un cambio significativo en el panorama de inversión para los posibles inversores EB-5. El programa tiene como objetivo seguir siendo relevante y económicamente viable mediante la incorporación de ajustes automáticos basados en la inflación. Los inversores deben mantenerse informados sobre estos cambios y considerar los posibles aumentos futuros en su planificación.
Entonces, ¿cómo serán los aumentos? Según los cálculos conservadores del equipo EB-5 de Peachtree Group, en enero de 2027, esperamos que el umbral de inversión más bajo pase de 800 000$ a entre 900 000 y 975.000$. Así es como llegamos a esta conclusión.
Importe proyectado de TEA de B-5 en 2027

Para establecer una base de referencia, el equipo de Peachtree Group revisó las cifras del índice del IPC relevantes del 21 de diciembre de 2021 al 14 de agosto de 2024, y proyectó los aumentos futuros del IPC basándose en la tasa de inflación objetivo de la Reserva Federal del 2% anual para demostrar la cifra proyectada del IPC (línea azul).
Con estos datos, el equipo creó líneas para el monto del proyecto del área de empleo objetivo y revisó tres escenarios:
Según la última tasa de inflación reportada para julio de 2024 (1,4% anual), el umbral de inversión a partir del 1 de enero de 2027 aumentaría a 900 000 dólares. (línea amarilla)
Si la inflación se estabiliza en el objetivo de la Reserva Federal del 2% anual a partir de hoy, el umbral de inversión sería de 900 000 dólares a partir del 1 de enero de 2027 (línea verde)
Si la inflación se mantiene en la tasa promedio acumulada desde la fecha de referencia del 1 de enero de 2022 (4,9% anual), el umbral de inversión a partir del 1 de enero de 2027 aumentaría a 975.000 dólares (línea roja)
Utilizando la ley y las estadísticas y extrapolando a 2027, llegamos a la conclusión de que esperamos que, a partir de enero de 2027, el umbral de inversión más bajo aumente hasta situarse entre 900 000 y 975000 dólares.
¿Qué puede hacer ahora?
Nadie puede estar seguro de lo que depara el futuro, incluso cuando se formulan hipótesis basadas en datos históricos. Sin embargo, lo que sí sabemos es que habrá ajustes automáticos en el importe mínimo de inversión para el EB5 según la RIA y se espera que esos ajustes entren en vigor en enero de 2027, dentro de menos de 2,5 años.
Para asegurar el monto de inversión EB5 más bajo, es importante iniciar el proceso. Grupo Peachtree es una firma de gestión de inversiones integrada que se especializa en identificar y capitalizar oportunidades en mercados dislocados, respaldados por bienes raíces comerciales. En la actualidad, gestionamos miles de millones de dólares en forma de adquisiciones, promociones y préstamos, además de servicios diseñados para proteger, respaldar y hacer crecer nuestras inversiones.
Nuestro equipo EB-5 tiene más de 30 años de experiencia combinada en inversiones EB-5 administrando más de $2 mil millones en transacciones EB-5. Obtenga más información sobre el Ventaja de Peachtree y permítanos ayudarlo a navegar por lo difícil Proceso EB-5 antes de que aumenten los montos de inversión.
Dando los siguientes pasos con Peachtree
Así es como puede comenzar su viaje hacia la residencia en los EE. UU. con una inversión EB-5.
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Relacionado publicaciones
If you're working in the United States on an H-1B visa and seeking permanent residency, the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program offers a promising path forward. This comprehensive guide walks you through the process of transitioning from an H-1B to an EB-5 visa, helping you understand your options to make an informed decision about your immigration journey.
H-1B vs. EB-5: Understanding the Key Differences
The H-1B visa is a temporary, employer-sponsored visa that ties you to a specific company. You need to win a lottery to get one, and you'll face regular renewal requirements. Plus, your stay in the U.S. is always dependent on your employment status.
The EB-5 visa, on the other hand, offers a direct path to permanent residency. No employer sponsorship needed! With an EB-5 visa, you can:
- Live and work anywhere in the United States
- Include your spouse and unmarried children under age 21 in your application
- Avoid the stress of visa renewals and employer dependencies
Can You Convert from H-1B to EB-5?
Yes, while it's not exactly a "conversion," you can apply for an EB-5 visa while maintaining your H-1B status. Here are the key requirements for an EB-5 visa:
- Make an $800,000 investment in a qualifying Regional Center project
- Create jobs for U.S. workers through your investment
- Demonstrate a legitimate source of investment funds
Acceptable funding sources for H-1B holders include:
- Accumulated earnings verified by wage statements and tax returns
- Personal savings and investments
- Retirement plan funds
- Secured loans or documented gifts
The Timeline and Process for EB-5 Approval
The transition from H-1B to EB-5 status typically requires between 4 to 18 months, depending on USCIS processing times. Your immigration journey begins with selecting and investing in a qualified EB-5 project. Once you've made your investment, you'll submit your petition to USCIS. During this waiting period, maintaining your current H-1B status provides important immigration security.
Understanding Concurrent Filing Benefits and Risks
The concurrent filing option presents an interesting opportunity for H-1B holders pursuing EB-5 visas. This process allows you to receive an Employment Authorization Document and advance parole privileges (travel authorization) immediately after filing your EB-5 petition. These benefits enable work authorization independent of your H-1B employer and facilitate international travel. However, immigration attorneys often advise maintainingH-1B status throughout the EB-5 process, as switching to concurrent filing status may prevent you from returning to H-1B status if needed.
Making an Informed Decision
The journey from H-1B to permanent residency through the EB-5 program represents a significant opportunity for foreign workers in the United States. While the $800,000 investment requirement is substantial, the benefits of permanent residency and workplace freedom make it an attractive option form any H-1B professionals. Consulting with qualified immigration attorneys helps ensure you understand all aspects of the process and make the visa choice aligned with your long-term immigration goals.
Taking the Next Step
Converting from an H-1B to an EB-5 visa offers a clear path to permanent residency in the United States. By understanding the requirements, timeline, and potential challenges, you can make informed decisions about your immigration future. Remember that professional legal guidance proves invaluable throughout this complex but rewarding process.
Peachtree Group has more than 40 years’ experience in EB-5 investing. Have questions about EB-5, visit our website or fill out our contact form.
How You Think About the EB5 Visa Country Cap is WRONG! Here's why.
Conventional wisdom states that the EB5 visa country cap is calculated within each preference category, not across all preference categories. That would mean that no one country could have more than 7% of just EB-5 visas in any reserved visa category.
Conventional EB-5 wisdom on country caps is wrong.
In a US Federal Register announcement dated March 28, 2023, the US Government acknowledged they were calculating country caps incorrectly and outlined how country caps were to be calculated moving forward.
Since April 2023, country caps are calculated based on the total number of visas available in ALL preference categories including family-based and employment-based. Immigrants from a particular county are not subject to a country cap until applications for ALL preference categories for that country reach 7%.
Once both family-based and employment-based visa applications for a particular country reach 7%, the Department of State imposes backlogs for that particular country in each preference category based on priority dates across all categories.
Investors born outside of China and India can confidently choose between either a rural or high unemployment project.
The Visa Bulletin shows China, India, Mexico, and the Philippines have all reached the 7% cap across the family-based and employment-based visas. Since Mexico and the Philippines are not big users of the EB-5 preference, China and India are currently the only countries subject to a country cap on EB-5 unreserved visas. What this means: If you were born outside of China or India, you don't need to worry about backlogs or waiting lines whether you invest in a rural or high unemployment TEA. Unless and until another country reaches the 7% quota across all preference categories, we should not expect there to be a backlog for those countries in EB-5. If you were born in China or India, you should speak with knowledgeable EB-5 professionals to understand the potential waiting periods. However, remember that your EB-5 investment decision should be based on all of the factors that are important to you, not just the potential visa quotas.
About Peachtree Group
Peachtree Group is an investment firm driving growth with a diverse portfolio of commercial real estate assets and other ventures, with a specialty in hospitality. We’ve executed hundreds of investments since inception with a focus on real estate acquisition, development, and lending. Today, we manage billions in equity, augmented by services designed to protect, support, and grow your investment.
Peachtree Group has an EB-5 visa by investment program which allows foreign nationals the opportunity to attain permanent residency in the United States. The EB-5 visa program allows you to invest in job creating projects in the U.S. creating a path to a green card for you and your family. The minimum investment is $1,050,000. However, investment in Targeted Employment Areas reduces the minimum cost to $800,000. Learn more about the EB-5 visa by investment program.
USCIS Form I-485 for EB-5 Investors Explained
Form I-485, or the "Application to Register Permanent Residence" allows an EB-5 investor to adjust their investor's status from a non-immigrant to a conditional permanent resident (CPR). To take advantage of this, the EB-5 investor must already be in the United States lawfully on a non-immigrant visa such as a F-1 or H-1B. The form is generally filed after the I-526E Petition which is the first step in the EB-5 visa process. This blog post explains how the Form I485 fits into the overall EB-5 process, the essential documents needed, and how to avoid potential delays in the adjustment of status journey.
Concurrent Filing
The passing of the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022 (“RIA”) allowed EB-5 investors to file Form I-485 concurrently with Form I-526E if visas are available. This is called concurrent filing and allows investors to remain in the US while their application is processed. In short, if you are in the U.S. you can stay in the U.S. while you wait for the adjudication of your Form I-526E Petition.
Conditional Permanent Residency
Once the I-485 is approved, the investor becomes a conditional permanent resident which is good for two years. During this time, they need to fulfil the promise they made with the I-526 form to invest in a project that creates US jobs. In order to remove the conditional and become a permanent resident, the investor must file Form I-829 or the "Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status". Once this is granted, the investor and their eligible family members receive permanent green cards.
Investor Benefits During I-485 processing:
While the I-485 is processing, EB-5 investors may also file a Form I-765, "Application for Employment Authorization" and Form I-131, "Application for Travel Document" to receive an employment authorization and travel permit, which allows them to work in the US and travel while their applications are pending.
I-485 Filing Requirements: Documents to be submitted with your Form I-485
Peachtree Group encourages ourEB-5 investors to consult with their immigration attorney and to read through the Form I-485 form instructions as the specific evidence required with theForm I-485 application may vary depending on the immigrant category you are filing under.
Documents required to be submitted with your Form I-485 include:
- Passport-style photographs
- Government-Issued identity document with photograph
- Birth Certificate
- Inspection and Admission or Inspection and Parole
- Passport page with admission or parole stamp;
- Passport page with nonimmigrant visa; and
- FormI-94 Arrival-Departure Record.
- Evidence of Maintenance of Status
- Original Sealed Medical Exam Results (FormI-693)
I-485 EB5 Filing Costs
As November 2024, the filing fee for Form I-485 is $1,440. The EB-5 investor pays additional filing fees if they are also filing Form I-765 and Form I-131. Be sure to check the USCIS website for the most up to date fee information. In addition, this site has information on what to do while you wait for your green card application.
Prevent unnecessary delays in the adjudication of Form I-485
By following the I 485 form instructions and submitting all the required evidence and supporting documentation at the time of the Form I-485 filing, EB-5 investors may avoid receiving a Request for Evidence (“RFE”) from USCIS.
Tips to prevent receiving an RFE include:
- Form I-693, Report of Immigration MedicalExamination and Vaccination Record
- Only a USCIS designated civil surgeon can perform this medical examination in the United States. The civil surgeon will document the results of the examination on Form I-693. USCIS considers a complete Form I-693 to remain valid for two years from the date the civil surgeon signs the form.
- Due to the limited time validity of Form I-693, EB-5 investors are not required to submit Form I-693 at the time they file their adjustment application but may select to do so in order to avoid a RFE and delay the adjudication process. USCIS cannot approve the Form I-485 without having the report of Immigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record, so if the Form I-693 is not filed with the adjustment of status, USCIS will have to issue an REF to obtain the medical report.
- File all required initial evidence and supporting documentation as described in the form instructions; and
- Use the current edition of Form I-485
Additional Resources
For more information about the I-526E Form and the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, consider consulting the following resources:
- USCIS Website: Access official forms, instructions, and updates on processing times.
- A Simple Guide to EB-5 Immigration by Investment
- Immigration Attorneys: Seek legal advice from professionals specializing in EB-5 cases. If you are not familiar with an immigration attorney, contact Peachtree Group, our team can give you contact information for several knowledgeable lawyers.
- Contact Peachtree Group: Contact Peachtree Group for guidance on specific investment opportunities and compliance requirements.
- Learn more about the Peachtree Advantage
- What is form I-526E for EB-5 investors?
- What is Form I-826 for EB-5?