Reviving Malls: Shifting Perspectives on Retail's Potential

In today’s highly competitive and constantly evolving real estate market, sponsors of retail commercial properties need a reliable financial partner to help them navigate the complexities of this space. There is a perception that capital is non-existent for this sector, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Peachtree Group Credit has emerged as an industry leader – ranking as the 16thlargest U.S. commercial real estate retail lender ranking as the 16th largest U.S. commercial real estate retail lender – providing creative financing solutions to help clients realize their vision for maximizing return on investment.

The fact is retail, including malls, is experiencing strong leasing momentum with increased foot traffic allowing sponsors to stabilize cash flow levels, which took a hit during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Brick-and-mortar retail locations are a necessary and growing component of a retailer’s multi-channel strategy. While traditional retail struggled before COVID, the pandemic has brought greater appreciation for in-store experiences for certain shopping items. This trend bodes well for retail as an investment.

To remain competitive, retail investors must accelerate their plans and expand their thinking to find ways to keep their retail locations relevant in a changing landscape.

Retail investors are looking at this sector with compelling strategies, including reimagining portions of the property to bring in new tenants, densifying the property by spinning off excess parking into pad sites or value-add components with a plan for re-leasing and some potential redevelopment opportunities.

Peachtree provides needed liquidity for maturing loans, new acquisitions and construction projects.

Some of the recent coast-to-coast mall transactions completed, include:

  • Bellis Fair Mall – Originating a$24.0 million first mortgage loan for the 774,264 square-foot shopping mall in Bellingham, Washington.
  • Cumberland Mall – Originating a$28.8 million first mortgage loan for the 953,313 square-foot shopping mall in Vineland, New Jersey.
  • Greenwood Mall – Originating a$42.3 million first mortgage loan for the 970,523 square-foot shopping mall in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
  • The Mall at Robinson – Originating a$25.5 million first mortgage loan for the 874,000 square-foot shopping mall in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • TownCenter at Cobb – Originating a $42.0million first mortgage for a 1,200,000 square-foot shopping mall in Kennesaw, GA
  • Fairlane Town Center – Originating a $28.0million first mortgage for a 1,450,000 square foot shopping mall in Dearborn, MI

Peachtree actively collaborates with sponsors from the initial concept stage until closing, offering expedited financing explicitly tailored for their business, allowing all parties to achieve a best-in-class financial outcome. Throughout the process, Peachtree keeps up regular touchpoints, ensuring the transactions go smoothly. This further demonstrates Stonehill’s commitment to supporting sponsor capital strategies with execution certainty amid a highly unpredictable funding landscape, increasingly a critical variable impacting retail real estate acquisition competition outcomes.

Having access to an experienced lender can provide valuable expertise and guidance to help you with your investment. With specific retail knowledge, Peachtree can provide insights into effective strategies for success. At Peachtree, we have the expertise to guide you through your options.


Greg Koenig is a senior vice president at Peachtree Group Credit. Before joining Peachtree, he was an executive director at A large private equity firm, focusing on debt originations in all asset classes. Prior to that, Greg was a senior vice president at Newport RE, a German-based real estate investment company, focusing on acquisitions and asset management for its U.S. portfolio. Previously, he was a vice president at Rialto Capital, where he helped underwrite and asset-manage loan portfolios. Before joining Rialto, Greg worked at TriMont Real Estate Advisors facilitating loan workouts and maximizing returns on distressed assets. Greg holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut, where he majored in Real Estate and UrbanEconomics.

Contact Greg at or 1-860-833-2285.

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亚特兰大(2024 年 2 月 2 日)— 桃树集团 宣布,该公司代表总部位于佛罗里达州好莱坞的以服务为导向的房地产管理公司海岸线管理集团(Coastline)发放了3,450万美元的贷款,用于收购和翻新位于佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的312个单元的多户住宅。该物业位于62号展馆,是一栋25栋建筑、312个单元的多户住宅,以前用作学生住房。





桃树集团 是一家投资公司,通过多样化的商业房地产资产和其他风险投资组合推动增长。自成立以来,我们已经进行了数百项投资,重点是房地产收购、开发和 贷款。今天,我们管理着数十亿美元的股权,并辅之以旨在保护、支持和增加投资的服务。

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Peachtree Group Refi 的夏洛特酒店获得 4100 万美元的贷款


据《商业观察报》获悉,Doradus Partners已获得4100万美元的过渡性融资,为夏洛特希尔顿品牌的酒店物业再融资。

桃树集团(前身为Stonehill)为多拉多斯夏洛特住宅区希尔顿酒店拥有181间客房的Home2 Suites提供了浮动利率贷款。点击这里阅读更多。

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Peachtree Group Credit(前身为Stonehill)在抵押银行家协会2022年贷款发放排名中被评为美国第八大商业房地产酒店贷款机构。作为一家直接的商业房地产贷款机构,它为所有商业房地产领域提供永久贷款、过渡贷款、夹层贷款、商业地产资产清洁能源(CPACE)融资和优先股投资,其起源于酒店业。


  • 4,790万美元的第一笔抵押贷款,用于在阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔建造一座拥有215间客房的Autograph Collection酒店,该酒店预计将于2024年开业。
  • 为拥有220间客房的纽约拉瓜迪亚机场汉普顿酒店提供4,360万美元的第一笔抵押贷款,用于对该项目进行资本重组,并支付延期维护和资本支出。
  • 在音乐街(纳什维尔)有133个房间的Motif上提供4,220万美元的第一笔抵押贷款,用于为当前债务进行再融资并完成该物业,该物业预计将于2023年11月开放。
  • 一笔840万澳元的CPACE融资贷款,用于资助密歇根州底特律一家在建酒店的各种节能和可持续发展元素。


  • 5,200万美元的第一笔抵押贷款,用于在亚利桑那州梅萨建造一套245套公寓。
  • 4,200万美元的第一笔抵押贷款,用于收购乔治亚州肯尼索市科布零售中心的镇中心。
  • 2,300万美元的第一笔抵押贷款,用于在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特建设混合用途开发项目




  • 大学首都汉普顿酒店及套房-德克萨斯州奥斯汀 — 137 间客房
  • 范德比尔特霍姆伍德套房酒店-田纳西州纳什维尔-192 间客房
  • 北亚特兰大希尔顿花园酒店—乔治亚州约翰斯克里克—122 间
  • 亚特兰大肯尼索万怡酒店 — 乔治亚州肯尼索 — 100 间客房
  • 希尔顿Home2 Suites酒店—亚利桑那州钱德勒 — 126 间客房




  • 大使馆套房-阿拉巴马州海湾海岸-257 间客房
  • 凯悦标题——田纳西州纳什维尔——210 把钥匙
  • AC by Marriott — 密歇根州底特律 — 154 把钥匙


  • 肯塔基州佛罗伦萨希尔顿花园酒店 — 123 间客房
  • 佛罗里达州彭萨科拉希尔顿花园酒店— 102 间客房
  • 佛罗里达州德拉海滩汉普顿酒店— 143 间客房
  • 汉普顿酒店和Home2套房 — 佛罗里达州诺纳湖 — 150 间客房(80 间汉普顿酒店 + 70 间 Home2 套房)


世邦魏理仕预计,未来三年新的供应增长平均约为1%,远低于 COVID-19 疫情之前的新供应增长量,也低于未来三年2.5%的需求增长速度。

Peachtree Group投资与开发副总裁威尔·伍德沃思表示:“新酒店客房的供应增长继续受到疫情挑战的阻碍,如今由于信贷市场的混乱而受到进一步影响。”“我们认为,在可预见的将来,供应将继续受到限制,并已加大了开发渠道作为回应。”




Peachtree Group是一家投资公司,通过多样化的商业房地产资产和其他风险投资组合推动增长。自成立以来,该公司已经进行了数百项投资,重点是总市值接近90亿美元的房地产收购、开发和贷款。如今,Peachtree管理着超过25亿美元的股权,并辅之以旨在保护、支持和增加其投资的服务。