
- 美国经济表现良好,稳步增长。第一季度年化国内生产总值增长约为1.3-1.4%,但基本指标显示表现更强,亚特兰大联储预计2024年第二季度年化GDP增长3.1%。
- 失业率低至4%,最近增加了27.2万个工作岗位。私营部门,尤其是医疗保健,正在推动就业增长,带来更可持续的就业市场并支持消费者支出。
- 强劲的就业确保了消费者的收入稳定,推动了占GDP约70%的持续消费。
- 通货膨胀率已从峰值下降,但仍高于美联储的目标。美联储更喜欢个人消费支出(PCE)指数而不是消费者物价指数(CPI),目前的核心个人消费支出通胀率为2.7-2.8%,仍高于2%的目标。尽管由于美联储的坚定承诺和公众对这一目标的信任,将目标通货膨胀率从2%调整的可能性似乎极小,但在规定的范围内采取更灵活的方法可能是可能的。这使美联储能够在不正式改变目标的情况下应对通货膨胀,利用当前的经济实力保持耐心,让通货膨胀随着时间的推移而下降。
- 联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)致力于在不受政治影响的情况下就利率和货币政策做出决定。在参加会议的十年中,丹尼斯很少看到政治考虑的出现。但是,按照传统,联邦公开市场委员会避免在全国大选前的会议上采取行动,以防止出现任何政治偏见。在杰伊·鲍威尔的领导下,如有必要,联邦公开市场委员会将在9月采取行动,但目前的情况可能要等到大选之后才会迫使人们采取行动。
- 尽管从长远来看,当选候选人实施的不同政策可能会塑造经济,但预计选举本身不会产生立竿见影的影响。但是,如果大选后的环境导致重大干扰,则可能会让美联储在11月的会议上暂停。
- 如果通货膨胀没有改善或反通货膨胀停滞在2.7-2.8%左右,则美联储可能需要进一步加息。相反,持续的积极反通货膨胀数据可能导致年底前降息。有几种场景需要考虑:
- 粘性通货膨胀: 如果通货膨胀率居高不下,美联储可能会在年底或2025年初加息。
- 反通货膨胀恢复: 积极的反通货膨胀数据可能导致11月或12月的降息。
- 经济放缓: 如果经济显示出步履蹒跚,企业预计经济衰退,导致裁员和消费者支出减少,那么美联储可能会降息以稳定局势。
- 金融不稳定: 类似于去年的硅谷银行事件的金融稳定事件可能会促使美联储降息,以解决潜在的银行系统问题,尤其是商业房地产问题。
- 联邦公开市场委员会的说法是,经济正在逐渐放缓。尽管就业形势正在再平衡,不如2022年和2023年那么强劲,但就业前景仍然非常乐观和强劲。通货膨胀率仍然很高,但联邦公开市场委员会认为反通货膨胀将恢复,使他们能够在年底之前开始放松政策限制。但是,所有这些都取决于数据的产生方式以及未来几个月所描绘的整体经济前景。即将举行的美联储会议定于7月、9月、11月和12月举行。决策仍然谨慎,重点是等待通货膨胀数据的明确趋势,然后再做出进一步的改变。
- 地缘政治事件可能会对金融市场产生重大影响,并可能改变美国的经济前景,至少是暂时的。这些事件往往出乎意料,可能会扰乱股票市场并影响经济。但是,美联储往往对地缘政治视而不见。尽管与国务院关系密切,但美联储的工作人员,主要是博士经济学家,主要关注国内问题,很少就地缘政治问题与专家协商。这种国内关注意味着,尽管地缘政治事件严重且可能影响经济,但美联储的政策决策或经济预测并未将其重要考虑在内。
- 资产负债表是货币政策的核心工具。在大萧条和疫情期间,当利率降至零时,美联储使用量化宽松(QE)通过增加银行储备来刺激经济,这支持贷款并增加金融市场的流动性。这导致了美联储资产负债表的大幅扩张。
- 目前,美联储正在缓慢缩减资产负债表,以撤回经济刺激措施。这一过程被称为量化紧缩,旨在找到新的平衡点,在不扰乱信贷市场的情况下提供充足的银行储备和流动性。美联储谨慎对待这个问题,以避免金融不稳定,例如在之前的紧缩尝试中发生的事件。这种资产负债表调整是货币政策的一个关键但往往是幕后方面。
- 财政政策,尤其是赤字支出,提振需求并助长通货膨胀。在疫情期间,重大的刺激措施支持了家庭和企业,但也增加了通货膨胀压力。但是,通货膨胀是一个全球性问题,不仅仅是由国内财政政策造成的。
- 美联储主席杰伊·鲍威尔承认高债务水平导致的财政状况不可持续但没有批评国会。美联储将财政政策视为众多经济影响因素之一,认识到其在支持增长方面的作用,这可能与美联储的通胀控制努力相冲突。
- 美国财政部的债务发行策略影响债券市场和持有这些证券的银行。财政和货币政策往往造成相互矛盾的压力,但美联储将这些影响纳入其经济评估和决策中。
- 银行,尤其是区域和社区银行,对商业房地产的敞口很大,约占市场的40%。尽管国家银行的风险敞口较小,但房地产市场的低迷影响了所有银行,由于高利率,办公空间等房产的价值严重下跌,多户住宅物业较峰值下降了近30%。尽管美联储主席鲍威尔对银行系统的稳定性做出了保证,但人们对实时识别危机的担忧。历史先例表明,危机在顺利进行之前往往会被忽视。
- 即将到期的约8,500亿美元商业房地产贷款存在潜在风险。风险分散在不同的金融实体中,这在一定程度上令人放心。但是,小型和区域银行尤其脆弱。与社区银行倒闭的可控影响不同,一家大型地区银行因房地产敞口而倒闭可能会产生严重的经济影响。
- 银行目前正在通过延长贷款期限来管理局势,这实际上是为稳定个人财产争取时间。尽管这种方法可以缓解眼前的问题,但也降低了银行的贷款偏好。信贷可用性的大幅减少,特别是对依赖小型银行的小企业而言,可能会引发衰退。这种动态凸显了管理现有问题与维持足够的信贷流以支持经济活动之间的微妙平衡。
- 商业地产,尤其是酒店业的短期和长期估值将取决于市场基本面。由于远程办公的兴起,办公部门面临重大挑战,这可能会减少对办公空间的长期需求。各公司仍在制定办公政策,有些公司采用混合模式。
- 零售业受到在线购物的影响,酒店业正在从疫情中恢复过来,但尚未完全反弹。除非建筑过剩,否则酒店业预计不会出现重大问题。
- 疫情前办公空间已经饱和,郊区办公室现在很难找到租户。许多办公室仍未得到充分利用,有些企业可能会保持远程状态。由于技术限制,将办公楼改建为公寓通常不可行。
- 多户住宅行业继续表现出强劲的需求,并且仍然是商业房地产的稳定领域。
相关 帖子

The commercial real estate industry has entered a transformative period defined by Chaos, Complexity, Complications and Creativity. The interplay of macro-economic pressures, financial challenges and anticipated policy changes from the new administration has created a volatile environment that demands adaptability and strategic thinking from stakeholders.
Headwinds in CRE
The chaos in CRE stems from structural shifts and economic headwinds reshaping the industry. Elevated interest rates have fundamentally altered investment returns, making debt more expensive and refinancing significantly harder. An ongoing "wall of debt maturities," totaling $3.6 trillion over the next 36 months, will force owners to manage or restructure obligations under far less favorable conditions than when loans were originated.
We are at historic levels of debt maturing as we are at the tail end of a wave of CRE loans maturing, many of which originated before 2022, particularly in 2014 and 2015, reflecting the prevalent 10-year loan terms of that period. To put this into context, the average interest rate on CRE loans originated in 2024 was roughly 6.2% versus the 4.3% rate on maturing mortgages—a nearly200-basis-point increase, according to S&P Global.
Meanwhile, the new administration's plans to cut costs and tighten immigration policies introduce uncertainty, complicating operational and labor-related decisions. While the immigration policy discussions may create short-term volatility, its impact on long-term CRE investments is expected to be minimal. These discussions serve as an "eye candy" distraction without substantial consequences for capital deployment or the asset class's attractiveness.
These factors foster a chaotic and volatile environment, disrupting traditional approaches to ownership, transactions and refinancing.
Creativity Key to CRE Challenges
CRE investments are inherently complex, and the current chaotic market magnifies these challenges. Rising debt obligations now exceed asset performance, particularly as rent growth and NOI struggle to keep pace with increasing costs. Market stress varies across sectors, with some assets thriving while others falter under outdated financing terms and reduced liquidity.
The complications stemming from broken capital stacks and operational challenges are expected to peak this year. Higher interest rates and more conservative lending criteria make debt restructuring increasingly tricky. Insurance and heightened compliance costs exacerbate inefficiencies, further straining asset performance.
In this challenging environment, creativity is no longer optional but essential. Owners and investors must adopt innovative strategies to structure deals, recapitalize assets and maintain competitiveness.
Strategies like CPACE financing, which enhances building efficiency while addressing funding gaps, and EB-5 investments, which access foreign capital through immigrant investor programs, offer viable solutions. Preferred equity and mezzanine debt can fill capital stack gaps, while private credit provides customized financing arrangements tailored to asset-specific needs. Creative structuring, such as Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs), maximizes tax advantages and enhances cash flow predictability.
Tax Deferred Investing
Tax considerations should also play a vital role in determining your investment strategies. Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs) offer appealing solutions for 1031 exchange investors seeking tax deferral and portfolio diversification through high-quality assets.
Opportunity Zones remain one of the most significant tax benefits across the country while furthering the cause of urban redevelopment. These tax-advantaged instrument allows investors to reduce their tax burdens and extract more value from their CRE investments.
The Road Ahead
This year will be a watershed moment for commercial real-estate stakeholders. The erratic nature of the market means that financial tools must be intimately understood, and alternative approaches embraced. Success will come down to adaptability, innovation and a deep understanding of market dynamics. Although the headwinds will be persistent, this environment provides unique opportunities for those who are prepared to embrace the four Cs and help define a creative way forward.
The Peachtree Group team will share their insights into how the market is shaping up and how they plan to adapt their strategies to navigate Chaos, Complexity, Complications and Creativity. Each aims to overcome the headwinds and seize the opportunities presented in this transformative period for the commercial real estate industry.
The Peachtree Group team shares their insights into how the market is shaping up and how they plan to adapt their strategies to navigate Chaos, Complexity, Complications and Creativity. Each aims to overcome the headwinds and seize the opportunities presented in this transformative period for the commercial real estate industry. Read Peachtree's House Views Here.
Peachtree Group Appoints Industry Veteran Josh Rubinger to SVP of National Accounts
ATLANTA (Jan. 6, 2025) – Peachtree Group ("Peachtree") announced today that Josh Rubinger has joined as senior vice president of national accounts for its broker-dealer affiliate, Peachtree PC Investors("PPCI"). Rubinger’s role will focus on business development, overseeing relationships with broker-dealers and registered investment advisors (“RIAs”)and supporting the distribution of the firm’s investment offerings.
With more than two decades of experience in financial services and a proven track record of developing strong client relationships, Rubinger's leadership will further strengthen Peachtree's commitment to delivering tailored investment solutions through PPCI.
“This strategic hire underscores our focus on grow thand strengthening Peachtree’s position as a trusted partner within the investment community,” said Brian Cho, president of PPCI. “Josh's extensive experience and strong network of relationships with broker-dealers and RIAs position him as a key asset to our team. His expertise will be instrumental in shaping our selling group and broadening our market reach.”
Prior to joining PPCI, Rubinger served as senior vice president and head of national accounts for Ashford Securities, a broker-dealer wholly owned by Ashford Inc., an alternative asset management company specializing in the real estate and hospitality sectors.
Before Ashford, he served as senior vice president of national accounts for Lightstone Capital Markets, the capital markets division of The Lightstone Group. Rubinger also served as vice president and East Coast national accounts manager at Thompson National Properties LLC. Before entering the alternative investment space, he held roles with Oppenheimer Funds andColumbia Funds.
Rubinger holds a bachelor’s degree from Hamilton College and FINRA Series 7 and 63 securities licenses.
About Peachtree Group
Peachtree Group is a vertically integrated investment management firm specializing in identifying and capitalizing on opportunities in dislocated markets, anchored by commercial real estate. Today, the company manages billions in capital across acquisitions, development and lending, augmented by services designed to protect, support and grow its investments. For more information, visit www.peachtreegroup.com.

Schwab Network: Commercial Real Estate 'Head Fake' Amid Challenges
The Outlook For Commercial Real Estate in 2025

Commercial Real Estate 'Head Fake' Amid Challenges
Despite markets bracing for more deregulation under President-elect Donald Trump, Greg Friedman says higher interest rates will damage commercial real estate. He believes regional banks will stay conservative in a high-rate environment, which can squeeze the CRE market. However, Greg says his firm has seen success in multi-family and retail spaces.
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