









  • 成本效益:与建造新建筑相比,将现有建筑物改造为经济适用房可以显著降低开发成本。现有建筑物通常有坚实的基础、基本的基础设施和公用设施,这可以在翻修过程中节省时间和金钱。这种成本效益使适应性再利用成为经济适用住房计划的有吸引力的选择,因为它可以最大限度地利用可用资源。
  • 保护遗产:适应性再利用项目为保护和庆祝城市的建筑遗产和历史地标提供了机会。通过重新利用具有历史意义的建筑,社区可以保留其文化身份和建筑特色,同时满足对经济适用房的迫切需求。这种方法可以增强自豪感,将居民与城市的历史联系起来,并为社区的整体文化结构做出贡献。
  • 可持续的解决方案:通过适应性再利用现有结构符合可持续发展目标。它减少了对新建筑的需求,而新建筑需要额外的资源、能源和土地。适应性再利用通过重新利用和翻新现有建筑物,最大限度地减少与拆除和新建相关的废物产生和环境影响。这种方法可以提高资源效率,并有助于城市发展的整体可持续性。
  • 振兴社区:将空置或未充分利用的建筑物改造成经济适用房,有可能振兴社区。适应性再利用项目可以通过为以前被忽视的空间注入新的活力,将居民、企业和投资吸引到这些区域。这种振兴促进了经济增长,改善了社区美学,并培养了居民的自豪感和主人翁感。它还通过提供经济适用住房选择和改善社区的整体生活质量来支持社区发展。


与Peachtree Group合作,为经济适用住房的适应性再利用提供融资,可以增加获得必要资金、应对流程复杂性并确保项目成功的可能性更高的机会。立即联系我讨论你的项目 dsiegel@peachtreegroup.com。


通过以下方式联系丹尼尔 dsiegel@peachtreegroup.com。

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‍ Stonehill 被评为美国最大的酒店 CRE 贷款机构之一





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“在经济波动和利率上升的情况下,传统贷款机构撤回了房地产贷款,造成了资本市场的混乱。Stonehill CRE总裁丹尼尔·西格尔说,在Stonehill,我们花了多年的时间积累资本形成,这使我们能够向希望执行业务计划的各行各业的房地产所有者发放贷款和提供融资。



Stonehill隶属于Peachtree Group,是一家直接贷款机构,提供永久贷款、过渡贷款、夹层贷款、商业地产评估清洁能源(CPACE)融资和主要由酒店资产担保的优先股投资。Stonehill成立于2013年,为收购、资本重组、再融资和翻新提供创造性的融资解决方案,并已完成超过510笔交易,总额超过54亿美元。Stonehill的负责人合并发起、构造或购买了超过100亿美元的债务。

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Reviving Malls: Shifting Perspectives on Retail's Potential

Is mall still a four letter word? Retail, including malls is experiencing strong leasing momentum, but to be successful, retail investors need to consider these tips.

In today’s highly competitive and constantly evolving real estate market, sponsors of retail commercial properties need a reliable financial partner to help them navigate the complexities of this space. There is a perception that capital is non-existent for this sector, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Peachtree Group Credit has emerged as an industry leader – ranking as the 16thlargest U.S. commercial real estate retail lender ranking as the 16th largest U.S. commercial real estate retail lender – providing creative financing solutions to help clients realize their vision for maximizing return on investment.

The fact is retail, including malls, is experiencing strong leasing momentum with increased foot traffic allowing sponsors to stabilize cash flow levels, which took a hit during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Brick-and-mortar retail locations are a necessary and growing component of a retailer’s multi-channel strategy. While traditional retail struggled before COVID, the pandemic has brought greater appreciation for in-store experiences for certain shopping items. This trend bodes well for retail as an investment.

To remain competitive, retail investors must accelerate their plans and expand their thinking to find ways to keep their retail locations relevant in a changing landscape.

Retail investors are looking at this sector with compelling strategies, including reimagining portions of the property to bring in new tenants, densifying the property by spinning off excess parking into pad sites or value-add components with a plan for re-leasing and some potential redevelopment opportunities.

Peachtree provides needed liquidity for maturing loans, new acquisitions and construction projects.

Some of the recent coast-to-coast mall transactions completed, include:

  • Bellis Fair Mall – Originating a$24.0 million first mortgage loan for the 774,264 square-foot shopping mall in Bellingham, Washington.
  • Cumberland Mall – Originating a$28.8 million first mortgage loan for the 953,313 square-foot shopping mall in Vineland, New Jersey.
  • Greenwood Mall – Originating a$42.3 million first mortgage loan for the 970,523 square-foot shopping mall in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
  • The Mall at Robinson – Originating a$25.5 million first mortgage loan for the 874,000 square-foot shopping mall in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • TownCenter at Cobb – Originating a $42.0million first mortgage for a 1,200,000 square-foot shopping mall in Kennesaw, GA
  • Fairlane Town Center – Originating a $28.0million first mortgage for a 1,450,000 square foot shopping mall in Dearborn, MI

Peachtree actively collaborates with sponsors from the initial concept stage until closing, offering expedited financing explicitly tailored for their business, allowing all parties to achieve a best-in-class financial outcome. Throughout the process, Peachtree keeps up regular touchpoints, ensuring the transactions go smoothly. This further demonstrates Stonehill’s commitment to supporting sponsor capital strategies with execution certainty amid a highly unpredictable funding landscape, increasingly a critical variable impacting retail real estate acquisition competition outcomes.

Having access to an experienced lender can provide valuable expertise and guidance to help you with your investment. With specific retail knowledge, Peachtree can provide insights into effective strategies for success. At Peachtree, we have the expertise to guide you through your options.


Greg Koenig is a senior vice president at Peachtree Group Credit. Before joining Peachtree, he was an executive director at A large private equity firm, focusing on debt originations in all asset classes. Prior to that, Greg was a senior vice president at Newport RE, a German-based real estate investment company, focusing on acquisitions and asset management for its U.S. portfolio. Previously, he was a vice president at Rialto Capital, where he helped underwrite and asset-manage loan portfolios. Before joining Rialto, Greg worked at TriMont Real Estate Advisors facilitating loan workouts and maximizing returns on distressed assets. Greg holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut, where he majored in Real Estate and UrbanEconomics.

Contact Greg at gkoenig@peachtreegroup.com or 1-860-833-2285.