耗资1.8亿美元的电影和电视制作中心BlueStar Studios将在亚特兰大开业
随着BlueStar Studios的加入,亚特兰大将继续发展成为主要的制作中心。BlueStar Studios占地53英亩,目前正在乔治亚州森林公园建设中,将于2023年夏季开始运营。
该项目的总投资为1.8亿美元。开发将分阶段持续到2024年。总部位于亚特兰大的Gala Media Capital是私募股权投资公司Peachtree Group旗下的分支机构,为该工作室开发的第一阶段建设发起了融资。
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Variety.com: Netflix has acquired the Anthony Hopkins-led biblical epic “Mary,” and will release the film this year.

Variety: The highly anticipated biblical epic Mary, financed by Peachtree Group and featuring the legendary Anthony Hopkins, has recently been acquired by Netflix.
Through the perspective of Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Jesus Christ, this new biblical epic brings to life her story. Directed by D.J. Caruso (known for Disturbia) and Written by Timothy Michael Hayes, the film follows Mary, Joseph, and their newborn son, Jesus, as they escape the relentless chase of King Herod, played by Anthony Hopkins.
Mary will premiere on Netflix later this year. Stay tuned for more information.