존 셸하스와 함께 오퍼튜니티 존의 호텔 개발

호텔 개발 계약은 COVID 이후 유리한 공급-수요 역학의 혜택을 받고 있습니다. 존 셸헤이즈, 피치트리 그룹 투자 담당 수석 부사장, 조인 오퍼튜니티 존 팟캐스트 지미 앳킨슨과 함께 Opportunity Zone 투자에 대한 Peachtree의 접근 방식, 호스피탈리티 자산 개발에 대한 초점, 현재 투자 기회를 형성하고 있는 광범위한 부동산 시장 동향에 대해 논의합니다.

에피소드 하이라이트

  • Peachtree의 전반적인 기회 구역 부동산 투자 전략이며, 특히 호스피탈리티 부문과 선호 시장에 중점을 둡니다.
  • 지난 몇 년간 호스피탈리티 및 호텔 공급-수요 불균형이 어떻게 변했는지, 그리고 이러한 불균형이 가까운 미래에도 계속될 것으로 예상되는 이유
  • Peachtree가 투자자에게 직접 샌 안토니오 OZ 호텔 개발 계약을 제공하는 이유
  • 현재 경제 환경에서 호스피탈리티와 다가구 주택이 어떻게 비교되는지.
  • 프라이빗 크레딧이 Peachtree 및 기타 스폰서에게 중요한 성장 분야가 될 수 있는 이유.

지금 들어보세요

오퍼튜니티 존 팟캐스트에 대하여

주최자: OpportunityDB 설립자 지미 앳킨슨, Opportunity Zones 팟캐스트는 펀드 매니저, 고문, 정책 입안자, 세무 전문가 및 기타 기회 특구 업계 최고의 전문가들의 게스트 인터뷰를 제공합니다.

고지 사항 및 미래 예측 진술

이것은 마케팅 커뮤니케이션입니다.이 프레젠테이션은 사모 각서를 통해서만 할 수 있는 유가 증권, 제안 및/또는 매각은 매각 제안이나 구매 제안 권유가 아닙니다.이 프레젠테이션은 정보 제공 및 토론 목적으로만 제공되며 법률, 비즈니스, 재무, 세금 또는 투자 자문 또는 Peachtree Hotel Group 또는 그 계열사가 후원하는 펀드 (각각 “펀드”) 에 대한 매각 제안 또는 지분 매수 제안 권유로 사용할 수 없으며 어떤 식으로든 의존할 수 없습니다.펀드의 사모 지분 배치는 기밀 사모 각서 (수시로 수정 또는 보완될 수 있는 “PPM”), 펀드의 가입 문서 및 수정 및 재작성될 수 있는 펀드의 유한 파트너십 계약 (총칭하여 “오퍼링 문서”) 에 의해서만 이루어지며, 이는 적격 투자자의 요청에 따라 기밀로 제공되며, 펀드에 대한 투자 고려와 관련하여 검토되어야 합니다. 펀드의 투자 목적이 보장될 수 없습니다.달성될 것입니다.이 프레젠테이션에는 투자자가 투자 결정을 내리는 데 중요한 모든 정보와 위험 요소가 포함되어 있지 않으며 유가 증권 매각 제안 또는 증권 매수 제안 권유가 아닙니다. 여기에 설명된 자금은 개정된 1933년 증권법 (미국 주 증권법) 또는 기타 관할 지역의 증권법에 따라 등록되지 않았으며 앞으로도 등록되지 않을 것입니다.펀드는 개정된 1940년 투자 회사법에 따라 등록되지 않습니다.따라서 논의된 펀드는 공인 투자자만 이용할 수 있습니다.증권거래위원회 또는 기타 미국 또는 미국 외 증권 규제 당국 모두 본 프레젠테이션의 정확성이나 적절성에 대해 전달하지 않았거나 여기에 설명된 예상 투자를 승인 또는 승인하지 않았습니다.이와 반대되는 진술은 형사 범죄에 해당합니다.관련 법률과 펀드의 유한 파트너십 계약에 따라 펀드 지분의 양도 가능성에는 상당한 제한이 있습니다.투자자가 투자자의 자본 출자금에 대한 수익이나 반환을 받을 것이라는 보장은 없습니다.PPM에는 펀드 투자와 관련된 중대한 위험에 대한 논의가 포함되어 있습니다.오퍼링과 관련하여 펀드는 피치트리 호텔 그룹 II의 계열사인 Peachtree PC Investors, LLC와 독점 매니징 브로커-딜러 계약을 체결했습니다. LLC는 이러한 오퍼링과 관련하여 판매 수수료, 매니징 브로커-딜러 수수료, 마케팅 리수당 수수료 및/또는 배치 에이전트 수수료를 받게 됩니다.당사와 후원사, 딜러 매니저인 Peachtree PC Investors, LLC를 포함한 계열사 간에는 이해 상충이 있습니다. 딜러 관리자 계약을 포함한 서비스 계약은 장기 계약이 아니며 양 당사자가 무기한 운영되는 것처럼 투자자에게 유리하지 않기 때문입니다.마지막으로, 당사의 스폰서는 Peachtree PC Investors, LLC의 간접 소유주입니다.따라서 Peachtree PC Investors, LLC의 운영 및 관리는 갈등의 영향을 받거나 영향을 받게 됩니다.피치트리 호스피탈리티 매니지먼트, 스톤힐 및 피치트리 PC 인베스터즈, LLC는 모두 피치트리 호텔 그룹 II, LLC의 전액 출자 자회사입니다. 본 프레젠테이션의 일부 진술은 미래 예측 진술을 구성합니다.미래 예측 진술은 역사적 사실이 아닌 문제에 관한 기대, 신념, 예측, 추정, 향후 계획 및 전략, 예상 사건이나 추세 및 유사한 표현과 관련이 있습니다.본 프레젠테이션의 미래 예측 진술에는 고유한 자격 요건이 적용되며 여러 가정을 기반으로 합니다.이 프레젠테이션의 미래 예측 진술에는 (i) 거래를 계획하고 있는 증권 시장의 전반적인 변동성, (ii) 전략의 변화, (iii) 자본 가용성, 조건 및 배치, (iv) 자격을 갖춘 인력의 가용성, (v) 이자율, 채무 증권 시장 또는 일반 경제의 변화, (vi) 채무 불이행률 증가 및/또는 회수율 감소에 관한 진술을 비롯한 위험과 불확실성이 포함됩니다. 당사의 투자, (vii) 모기지 담보 대출의 기초가 되는 모기지 및 기타 대출의 선불금 증가 또는기타 자산 담보 증권, (viii) 정부 규정, 세율 및 유사 사안의 변경, (ix) 표준 설정 기관에서 일반적으로 인정하는 회계 원칙의 변경, (x) 모기지 담보, 자산 담보 및 기타 증권의 거래 기회 가용성, (xi) 비즈니스 고객 기반 변화, (xii) 업계 내 경쟁 환경의 변화 및 (xiii) 비즈니스에 대한 지속적인 가용성 PHG/StoneHill의 자료는 합리적인 조건으로 여기에 설명되어 있습니다. 미래 예측 진술은 다음을 기반으로 합니다.현재 이용 가능한 모든 정보를 고려한 우리의 신념, 가정 및 기대.이러한 믿음, 가정, 기대치는 여러 가지 가능한 사건이나 요인의 결과로 변할 수 있습니다. 이러한 모든 사건이나 요인이 우리에게 알려져 있거나 통제할 수 있는 것은 아닙니다.변화가 발생할 경우, 여기에서 논의한 상품 및 비즈니스의 성과는 당사의 미래 예측 진술에 명시되거나, 예상되거나, 고려된 것과 크게 다를 수 있습니다.

이는 증권을 구매하라는 제안이나 권유가 아닙니다.공모는 사모 각서에 의해서만 이루어집니다.

관련 게시물

이 기사가 마음에 드셨다면 관련 보도 자료와 인사이트를 읽어보세요.
인 더 뉴스
5분 읽기

CoStar Impact Awards: In this California city, a former parking lot is now a trendy Marriott hotel

Featured on CoStar: Commercial development of the year for Sacramento
Image of AC Hotel Sacramento taken by CoStar
The AC Hotel Sacramento has 179 rooms across eight stories. The Marriott-franchised property opened in March 2024. (CoStar)

Commercial development of the year for Sacramento

"Five years ago, the land now labeled as 905 Seventh St. in Sacramento, California, was nothing more than a parking lot for light rail commuters. Today, it's home to the city's newest major hotel.

The AC Hotel Sacramento opened in March 2024 after its construction began in January 2022. Downtown Sacramento has been in desperate need of more hotel rooms, and the AC Hotel's arrival helped fill that demand, economic leaders in California's capital city said.

The hotel sits in an opportunity zone, which is land that developers are given extra tax incentives from the federal government to revitalize."

Read Full Article on CoStar News
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Peachtree Group Surpasses $2 Billion in Hotel Developments

Peachtree Group announced that the firm surpassed $2 billion in hotel development, bringing its total development portfolio to 48 hotels nationwide.
Header image for press release saying "Peachtree Group Surpasses $2.0 billion in Hotel Developments"

ATLANTA (Feb. 3, 2025) – Peachtree Group (“Peachtree”) announced that the firm surpassed $2 billion in hotel development, bringing its total development portfolio to 48 hotels nationwide.  

Peachtree's development journey began 17 years ago with a $10 million Fairfield Inn project in Alabama, establishing its expertise in hotel development with a focus on suburban, highway and tertiary markets across the Southeast and Midwest.

Today, Peachtree has expanded its reach, solidifying its leadership in hospitality development with projects not only in its traditional markets but also in urban infill locations nationwide. Recent milestones include topping out a beachfront hotel in Gulf Shores, Alabama and breaking ground on a dual-branded project in Uptown Dallas, Texas.

"Our early projects taught us how to build efficiently and effectively, setting the stage for the more complex and impactful developments we're delivering today," said Greg Friedman, managing principal and CEO for Peachtree. "From suburban mainstays to urban landmarks, our team's adaptability and expertise have been the cornerstone of our success."

Showcasing its versatility, Peachtree leverages an experienced underwriting and project management platform to strategically expand its footprint into larger urban infill markets nationwide, collaborating with local development partners and pursuing larger investments.

Recent and ongoing projects include:

  • Embassy Suites, Gulf Shores, Alabama: This beachfront hotel, the largest in the area, recently topped out and is set to open in summer 2025.
  • AC and Moxy Hotel, Uptown Dallas: This 264-room, dual-branded Marriott-branded development broke ground in August 2024 and represents a milestone in urban hospitality development.
  • Tru by Hilton, Huntsville, Alabama: a modern 98-room hotel designed for comfort and convenience, scheduled to open in the fourth quarter of 2025.
Grid of Images of different buildings developed by Peachtree Group

These projects and others under construction span the country and highlight Peachtree's ability to execute across a broad spectrum of hospitality asset types, from limited-service properties to high-rise, amenity-rich hotels. Peachtree has been a strong advocate of the Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ) program since its inception, strategically allocating capital to drive economic development and to meet the program’s objective of fostering revitalization and growth in underserved communities. Recent examples of Peachtree's success in QOZ developments include:

  • AC Hotel by Marriott, Sacramento, California: This hotel transformed an underperforming surface parking lot into a signature downtown hotel and was recently awarded one of the city's Best Real Estate Projects for 2024.  
  • Residence Inn by Marriott, San Antonio, Texas: Succeeding an older-generation property, the hotel taking advantage of a premier location near strong demand drivers in a diverse and growing market.
  • The Hampton Inn & Suites Maui, Kahului, Hawaii: A 136-room beachfront property and Kahului’s only branded hotel. Positioned to capture demand from both the cruise ports and the primary airport, it is set to open by the end of March.  

The firm has been one of the most active hotel developers in QOZs, having already opened 10 hotels, with another five under construction  and three in the pipeline in these designated areas.

“Hotels are more than just buildings; they are drivers of economic opportunity, creating local jobs and providing paths to meaningful careers in hospitality. By investing in underserved hospitality markets, we aim to support the growth of neighborhoods and contribute to their development,” Friedman said.

While Peachtree remains committed to its core expertise in suburban, limited-service hotels—exemplified by the Homewood Suites by Hilton project in Louisville, Kentucky—it has also embraced larger, more complex developments in primary markets. These projects reflect Peachtree’s commitment to diversifying its portfolio and creating long-term value.

"Our development strategy is about identifying opportunities where we can leverage our learned expertise and push the boundaries of what we can achieve," Friedman said. "Whether it's suburban efficiency, urban complexity or transformative Opportunity Zone developments, our team continues to deliver exceptional results for our stakeholders."

With a proven track record and a forward-looking approach, Peachtree is poised to continue leading the way in hospitality development. The firm's ability to balance efficiency, innovation and social impact ensures it remains well positioned to meet the evolving demands of the market.

About Peachtree Group
Peachtree Group is a vertically integrated investment management firm specializing in identifying and capitalizing on opportunities in dislocated markets, anchored by commercial real estate. Today, the company manages billions in capital across acquisitions, development and lending, augmented by services designed to protect, support and grow its investments. For more information, visit www.peachtreegroup.com.

보도 자료
5분 읽기

Peachtree Group Breaks Ground on Residence Inn by Marriott in San Antonio, Texas

Peachtree Group celebrated the groundbreaking of a new 171-room studio-suite Residence Inn by Marriott in downtown San Antonio, Texas, near the Riverwalk, set to open in the second quarter of 2026.
Graphic with Residence Inn Rendering with a subtitle explaing 171- Room Hotel to Strengthen San Antonio's Accommodations Market and Support Community Revitalization in a Qualified Opportunity Zone

ATLANTA and SAN ANTONIO (Nov. 15, 2024)– Peachtree Group ("Peachtree") celebrated the groundbreaking of a new 171-room studio-suite Residence Inn by Marriott in downtown San Antonio,Texas, near the Riverwalk, set to open in the second quarter of 2026. This development brings an upscale, extended-stay option to the vibrant San Antonio market, offering visitors a combination of comfort, modern amenities and prime access to local attractions.

The new Residence Inn will succeed an older-generation property downtown, taking advantage of a premier location near strong demand drivers, including the leisure appeal of the Riverwalk, educational activity from the expanding University of Texas at San Antonio and corporate and government demand from surrounding office buildings. With this positioning, the hotel aims to meet a range of accommodation needs in San Antonio's dynamic market.

"San Antonio is a unique market with a growing need for extended-stay hotels," said Greg Friedman, managing principal and CEO of Peachtree. "The Residence Inn will cater to the diverse demand drivers of San Antonio, including its thriving tourism sector and extensive corporate presence. Positioned within easy reach of the city's popular attractions, restaurants and business hubs, this hotel will provide guests with a prime location for both work and leisure."

Strategically located within a Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ), this project under scores Peachtree's commitment to fostering revitalization and growth in underserved communities. The firm has been one of the more active hotel developers in QOZs, having already opened nine hotels, with another five under construction, including the new Residence Inn, in these designated areas.

“By building within a QOZ, Peachtree's Residence Inn will create lasting economic impacts, from job creation in construction and operations to sparking further interest in nearby retail, dining and entertainment—vital elements for a thriving downtown community," Friedman said. “We are optimistic that Washington, D.C., will recognize the QOZ's impact on job creation and economic activity within these zones and will extend the program, enabling us and other developers to deliver new commercial real estate projects across the U.S.”

Merritt Development Group, an Austin, Texas-based hotel development company, will be responsible for constructing the Residence Inn, which will feature a modern design focused on spacious, home-like amenities, including fully equipped kitchens, separate living areas and workspaces in each suite, accommodating the evolving needs of today's extended-stay travelers and enhancing the hotel’s appeal to business professionals, families and long-term guests seeking comfort and convenience.

An expansive onsite fitness center and outdoor gathering space will further elevate the guest experience, offering a place for relaxation and wellness in a bustling city environment. Additionally, the hotel will provide flexible meeting space to cater to the needs of business guests, making it an attractive venue for corporate gatherings and social events. The hotel will feature a Caribou Coffee, providing an upscale coffee experience for both hotel guests and locals.

"The new Residence Inn will provide guests with a dynamic extended-stay experience uniquely suited to San Antonio's market," Friedman added."Peachtree's commitment to thoughtful development is evident in every aspect of this property, from its modern amenities to its prime location, ensuring it will be a valued addition to the city."

This development marks another milestone for Peachtree in Texas as the firm continues to expand its footprint in key markets nationwide. In October, Peachtree celebrated the groundbreaking of a new 19-story, dual-branded hotel development featuring Marriott brands AC Hotel and Moxy Hotel in Uptown Dallas, Texas. The hotel development will bring 264 upscale rooms, modern amenities and unique lifestyle offerings to the bustling McKinney Avenue corridor. The much-anticipated project promises to elevate the city's hospitality scene and is expected to open in summer 2026. In addition to these two projects, Peachtree currently has nine projects under construction across the U.S., including five in QOZs.

About Peachtree Group
Peachtree Group is avertically integrated investment management firm specializing in identifying and capitalizing on opportunities in dislocated markets, anchored by commercial real estate. Today, the company manages billions in capital across acquisitions, development and lending, augmented by services designed to protect, support and grow its investments. For more information, visit www.peachtreegroup.com.